About Us
MySuperBrain.com is an attempt to bring out the all-rounder in every student. Every student is special, but for a lot of reasons we do not see the full potential of students come to fruition. It is our aim to Discover, Improve and Showcase the skills of students on a global platform. MySuperBrain.com is suitable for students in grades 4 to 12. In these age groups, we provide age appropriate activities, content and educational games that prepares them for a better future
MySuperBrain.com is based on years of research in the field of Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Learning, technology to help students become world beaters. We work with a single-minded focus on improving the skills of students. We strongly believe that we can build a better planet only when our kids are given the right opportunities.
Our content, activities, quizzes and competitions are categorized into four groups:
Kids: Grades 1 to 3
Junior: Grades 4 to 6
Senior: Grades 7 to 9
Super Senior: Grades 10 to 12
MySuperBrain.com provides the following benefits to the students:
    Students can participate in competitions from anywhere and at their convenience. It is an opportunity for students to showcase their skills in different intelligence areas to a global audience and get the recognition they truly deserve
    Quizzes are conducted in areas like Mathematics, GK, English, Science, Current affairs etc. where students have an opportunity to test their knowledge. As soon as the students submit their entries, we give them the solutions so that their knowledge can be improved. Students also score points for doing well.
    Articles are posted on various topics like Health, Leadership, GK, Number skills and Science to improve the knowledge of students
    In the school, students get to know where they stand on the tests conducted at the school. The group of students is at the most fifty, but in real world, the students compete with millions of students from different backgrounds, geographies and cultures. We believe that every student should be prepared for the competition that awaits them a few years down the line. We provide students detailed analysis of their performances by comparing it with thousands of students from different places.
  5. BLOG
    We understand that the creativity of students is not limited to the competitions that we conduct. We, therefore, provide blogs for students. It is an opportunity for students to put in their views, ideas, works etc. on an online platform and reach thousands of students, parents, teachers and other experts. It provides a continuous vent to the students to showcase their creativity. The content is properly moderated and no is safe and secure.


Students can score points by doing well in the competitions and quizzes. It is a way to improve knowledge, showcase skills and also let the world know what they are capable of. The top ten students get on to the "Hall of Fame". Hall of Fame is the ultimate leader board for students on MySuperBrain.com.
www.mysuperbrain.com is a product of Bojja IT Solutions pvt. ltd.